Wednesday, June 15, 2011

"Simple Steps to Make Cleaning Your Home (Almost) Fun!"

Before you say ""yeah right"" read on for ways to make cleaning more enjoyable and less of a dirty chore! Investing in the right tools will make a huge difference in how you experience cleaning so let's discuss cleaning tools and cleaning products. I'll give you my opinion about what are the best tools to use-the ones that work harder for you, and what are the best cleaning products-the ones that won't cause you to wince or gag or have to hold your breath.

Vacuum Cleaners: A vacuum cleaner is the only power tool you need to clean your home. With a variety of attachments you can use it for many dusting chores, not just the floors. The very best brand of vacuum cleaner is called Miele. We are not going to get into a technical discussion about specifications, just a common sense discussion about why you might want to spend a good chuck of money on a vacuum cleaner.

A Miele vacuum cleaner is built solidly and precisely making it a very quiet, very powerful, and very clean cleaning tool that you can make friends with. You will look forward to getting your Miele out of the cupboard. You can practically dance your way around the house, you and your colorful and shiny cleaning friend with its smooth 360 degree swiveling wheels. Doesn't that sound better than dragging around your old reluctant machine that left dings and marks on all of your baseboards and furniture legs?

Oh, and did I mention that there is no dirty exhaust roaring out from your Miele hepa vacuum cleaner. The exhaust smells clean. Miele vacuum bags are thick and substantial to trap and contain the sucked up dirt and prevent it from spewing back into your air. Miele and other top quality vacuum cleaners employ multiple filtration components, including Hepa Filters, to keep your air clean while you clean.

Dusting Tools: There are two ways to dust. One way is with a feather duster, and the other way is with microfiber dusting cloths. The former is the quick, fun but less effective way to dust, and the latter is the real, but tedious and time-consuming way to dust. The best way to do this ""real"" dusting is to wear microfiber gloves on both hands and go over your surfaces and knick-knacks with those. Use the vacuum cleaner to clean the cloths rather than shaking them out. Microfibers pick up and trap way more dirt and dust than a conventional cotton knit cloth that your hard work will result in super clean surfaces.

If you would like to enjoy dusting and make it go faster then use a feather duster with real feathers that comes on a telescoping handle. You can buzz around getting into all kinds of hard to reach spots with ease. If you have a lot of clutter, this can be the only way to get any dusting accomplished. Always dust first, vacuum second. Use a cheap dust mask and put your hair up in a scarf and you won't worry about getting covered in dust yourself.

Scrubbing Tools: Microfibers have made cleaning much faster. Hoorah for microfiber! In bathroom, kitchen, and every room with woodwork, banisters and window frames use microfiber cleaning cloths and hot water. Most of the time you won't need any product on your cloth at all; just hot water. Microfiber cloth covered sponges are super fast cleaning greasy stoves and appliances, again using just hot water. A microfiber polishing cloth on your stainless fixtures will make them shine like new. Eraser Pads take off scuffs and skid marks immediately, with no added product, just water.Cleaning Products: If you think that a little product would help the job go faster, then try non ammonia surface cleaners (ammonia makes me wince), dish detergent, and scouring powders like Bon Ami, which is non toxic and odorless, baking soda and borax. Mix baking soda and cream of tartar to clean rust. If you feel the need to sterilize a surface such as the bathroom sink, try Wintergreen rubbing alcohol instead of bleach or disinfectant sprays. Soap scum in the shower can be removed with liquid laundry detergent and a dry cotton rag, there is no reason for those nasty sprays that make you want to gag.

Believe it or not, once you give up the heavy cleaning chemicals and cheapo vacuum cleaner you might even look forward to cleaning your home. Take it from someone who used to dread and detest cleaning her home but who now dreads it a little less, maybe even enjoys it a little!

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