Thursday, June 16, 2011

"How to Clean Electronics Screens and Not Scratch Them"

The steps to clean an electronics clean such as any computer screen, cell phone screen or LCD TV are really simple yet many people every day are destroying their devices. You see display screens are highly sensitive and any scratch in the screen will result in degradation of the quality of the picture. Each scratch will diffuse the light and worsen the image quality. Instead you are better off following these steps.

1. First get yourself a professional grade screen cleaner such as a Magic Cloth screen cleaner.

2. Find yourself a professional grade cleaning cloth like a microfiber cloth, or a Magic Cloth cleaning cloth.

3. Apply the cleaner to the face of the device, making sure to evenly apply the cleaner.

4. Take The Magic Cloth Microfiber Cleaning Cloth and wipe the fluid in smooth and straight direction.

5. Make sure the device is dry and free of streaks.

Now if you have used a good product that is intended for electronics it should have also left an anti static finish on the product. Most good cleaners will have an antistatic feature for screen cleaning. Be weary of cleaners that are basically soap and water as they will damage your screen and never use a papertowel. Always use a quality microfiber cleaning cloth. You have to make sure you follow these rules or you will wind up ruining your screen. Keep following these best practices and you will enjoy your devices for years to come.

For more info., please visit us at

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