Sunday, March 21, 2010


Yes, even I forget to dust
these types of places: tops of
tall furniture, appliances, and
wall art, ceiling corners and
vents. If it's just plain dust I'm
cleaning, my secret weapon
is the vacuum. I stand on a
sturdy step stool and, using
the upholstery attachment
with the brush, suck up as
much dust as possible (and
it can be a lot) from, say, a
bookcase or an armoire top.
Then I go over the area with
a microfiber cloth, if needed.
For really high-up or more
delicate dusting, like areas
of the ceiling or frames
of paintings, I take either a
yardstick or a broom, cover
the end with old panty hose
or a t-shirt, and slide it
along the surface to gather
dust. If cobwebs in corners
are a problem, a fun hint is to
put a tennis ball in a panty
hose leg and bounce it up
against the corner-- it pulls
off dust and cobwebs but
won't hurt the surface. In the
kitchen where the dust is
more like grime from kitchen
fumes, I use a little soap
and water (to cut grease) on
my microfiber cloth and wipe,
following with a clean damp-
ened microfiber cloth, Remember
to fold your microfiber cloths
in half, and then in fouths and use
both sides of the cloth, which will
give you 8 clean surfaces to clean
Just thought you might like to know!

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