Thursday, June 30, 2011

"The Benefits of Microfiber Cloths in House Cleaning"

While there are some who still prefer the use of soft cotton in cleaning, there are many who have already replaced their cleaning materials with the latest technology. So, you better check out and compare which is better, to stay in the conventional way or invest a little in microfiber and reap the rewards in the long run.

Contrasting with common cloths that are made from natural fibers, microfibers are made using tiny polyester and polyamide fibers. These are said to be the cleaning material built and suit the needs of the 21st century.

Microfiber is tremendously soft and very flexible. It can be used to any kind of service. In terms of durability, it lasts longer as compared to an ordinary cotton cloth. Washing of microfiber does not require any detergents so you will be amazed how it does the cleaning without using any soap. Also, no cleaning agent is used. As a consequence, you can save large amount of dollars from buying detergents through time.

The most important consideration that a cleaning company look at is the absorption capacity of a cleaning material. Microfiber cloth has the ability to hold water up to 7 times of its weight. Moreover, it can hold 98 percent moisture while an ordinary cloth can hold of only 70 percent. Dust and grime spots are trapped in the web like molecular structure of the microfiber thus no particles are left on the surface. The huge absorption capacity of microfiber makes it ideal when cleaning windows. It is more advantageous because it can hold liquid of up to 7 times of its weight and more so it leaves no streaks after cleaning. Microfiber is also advisable to clean any spilled liquid (water, milk, oil) because it lessens the use of paper towel thus minimizing cost to buy those cleaning supplies.

While there are some who still prefer the use of soft cotton in cleaning, there are many who have already replaced their cleaning materials with the latest technology. So, you better check out and compare which is better, to stay in the conventional way or invest a little in microfiber and reap the rewards in the long run.

Contrasting with common cloths that are made from natural fibers, microfibers are made using tiny polyester and polyamide fibers. These are said to be the cleaning material built and suit the needs of the 21st century.

Microfiber is tremendously soft and very flexible. It can be used to any kind of service. In terms of durability, it lasts longer as compared to an ordinary cotton cloth. Washing of microfiber does not require any detergents so you will be amazed how it does the cleaning without using any soap. Also, no cleaning agent is used. As a consequence, you can save large amount of dollars from buying detergents through time.

The most important consideration that a cleaning company look at is the absorption capacity of a cleaning material. Microfiber cloth has the ability to hold water up to 7 times of its weight. Moreover, it can hold 98 percent moisture while an ordinary cloth can hold of only 70 percent. Dust and grime spots are trapped in the web like molecular structure of the microfiber thus no particles are left on the surface. The huge absorption capacity of microfiber makes it ideal when cleaning windows. It is more advantageous because it can hold liquid of up to 7 times of its weight and more so it leaves no streaks after cleaning. Microfiber is also advisable to clean any spilled liquid (water, milk, oil) because it lessens the use of paper towel thus minimizing cost to buy those cleaning supplies.

How to Use Microfiber Cleaning Cloths

Microfiber Cleaning Cloths are innovative, environment-friendly, and awfully effective cleaner. Those superior quality microfiber cleaning cloths have features of split microfiber. The open spaces in the microfiber produced through splitting are responsible for trapping up the dirt and holding significant amount of water.

If it will be used as dry, fold it neatly to be able to clean numerous surfaces at the same time. However, microfiber is best used when it is damped. But never use it with dripping out water. Simply wash the cloth with plain water and wring out excess water. This damp technique is very ideal for cleaning appliances, scrubbing bathrooms, cleaning car interiors, wiping down kitchen counters and other numerous cleaning applications.
For more information, please visit us at:

"Microfiber Cleaning Products - How They Work"

"Microfiber Cleaning Products - How They Work","In the last decade the popularity of microfiber cleaning products such as towels, mops, and dusters has grown exponentially. The reason for this popularity is simple, they're very effective tools. These products clean with less effort than traditional methods and without the need of additional chemicals. The tools with which to use them are also more ergonomic than traditional cleaning equipment.

First, let's look at what microfiber is. Microfiber is defined as any fiber that is 1 denier or less (denier is a measurment of fineness equal to a unit of fiber weighing one gram for each 9000 meters). To put that into perspective, each fiber is 1/100th the diameter of a human hair and 1/20th the diameter of a strand of silk. There are approximately 200,000 fibers in one square inch of a microfiber towel. High Quality fibers used for cleaning is often 0.5 denier or smaller. That creates a lot of surface area in which to absorb liquid or hold dust and dirt.

In cleaning products microfiber is a blend of polyester and polyamide (nylon). In higher quality cleaning textiles the fiber is split during the manufacturing process to produce spaces in each fiber. If you were to look at a cross section of the split fiber it would look like an asterisk. It's the split fiber working in conjunction with the space between them that do the work. They pick up and hold the dust and dirt, and absorb liquid. Lower quality micro fiber cleaning products may not be split (neither is micro fiber clothing or furniture because you don't want them to be absorbent).

For microfiber to be effective as a cleaning product it has to be split. If it isn't split during manufacturing it isn't much more than a very soft cloth, duster or mop. When it is used in clothing, furniture and other applications isn't split because it isn't designed to be absorbent, just soft. It's important when buying these cleaning products to make sure that they're split. When buying from a retail store if the packaging doesn't say its split, don't assume it is. One way to determine if it is split is to run the palm of your hand over it. If it grabs the imperfections on your skin then it's split. Another way is to pour a small amount of water on a table and take a towel or mop and try to push the water. If the water is pushed it's not split, if the water is absorbed or sucked into the fabric then it is split.

In addition to the open spaces in the fibers created during the splitting process, microfiber is an effective cleaning tool because the fibers are positively charged. Dirt and dust are negatively charged so they are literally attracted to it like a magnet. It holds on to the dust and dirt until it's released in the laundering process or when it's rinsed out.

The attributes of split microfiber discussed above make it a true green cleaning product. It works extremely well as a cleaner without added chemicals. All of the edges on each fiber created during the splitting process act like squeegees scraping up the dust and dirt while the open spaced between the splits hold it. When water is added to the towel or duster it helps emulsify the dirt allowing it to be scrubbed off the surface being cleaned.

The advantages to using microfiber to clean are almost endless. Given the facts that they can last hundreds of washings when cared for properly, can absorb 7 times their weight in liquid, are hypoallergenic, don't need added chemical cleaners it's no wonder their popularity has skyrocketed in the last decade. To try out Classic microfiber cleaning cloth. Please visit

"Microfiber Streak Free Cleaning Cloth - How to Use It",

As you all know, there are many kinds of cleaning cloths that are available, but when cleaning with the new generation of microfiber streak free cleaning cloth, one uses only water and does not need any chemical cleaners to clean and wipe most surfaces streak free.

Yes, all you need is water, and there is a method to cleaning, so that you do not leave any streaks.

For the best way to clean, you have to first wet the cloth, it is important that you wet the cloth before use, then wring it so that it is damp, and then you wipe any surface in the normal way. Make sure it is not soaking wet.

The trick is that the cloth has to be damp, and not soaking wet, when you use the cloth to wipe. No chemicals are needed.

This cloth works great on glass, mirrors, windows, windshields, tv screens, computer monitors, laptop screens, eyeglasses, sunglasses, bathroom tiles, counter tops, refrigerators, microwave faces, oven faces, and many other surfaces. It will work on tile, vinyl, chrome, plastic articles, acrylic and on other materials.

One can use them in you home, kitchen, bathroom, office, car, boat, rv and other vehicles.

They are perfect for eyeglasses. To use them on eyeglasses, just cut them into small pieces, wet them, wring them so they are just damp, and wipe them to make your lenses clean and streak free. Once again, we must make sure that they are not soaking wet, but just damp.

The secret of the streak free microfiber cleaning cloth is in the structure of and composition of the material and the manufacturing process and methods. The fibers are pressed, and not woven, and composed of very fine filaments that are put through a special treatment process.

These are also machine washable, and re-usable, but have to be air dried, not dried in a clothes dryer. Traditional cleaning liquids and soaps can be used to clean them.

Since they are washable and re-usable, they are earth friendly and environment friendly green products and they eliminate the need for disposable cleaning and wiping materials, that are used and then disposed off in landfills and other places.

"Anti-Bacterial Microfiber Cleaning Cloth - How Does it Work?"

Microfiber has been called the 'wonder fabric' of the 21st century. It is a high tech, advanced synthetic fiber that is made up of microscopic threads that are several times thinner than a human hair. These threads are arranged in a criss-crossed pattern that creates microscopic 'holes'. This unique structure lends microfiber all its wonderful properties.

And what might these wonderful properties exactly entail?

For one, a microfiber cloth has tremendous capacity to absorb water and other liquids. All liquid molecules get locked in the 'hole' like structure mentioned above. Thus, a microfiber cloth can soak up gallons upon gallons of water and still remain dry. This makes it an ideal material for making sportswear, cleaning cloths, mops, etc.

Microfiber cloths are also great at collecting dust and dirt. This, once again, can be attributed to the unique structure that can collect dust particles. Consequently, this fiber is used extensively in cleaning equipment.

But one of the best benefits of this wonder fabric is its anti-bacterial nature. Simply put, microbes get trapped inside the criss cross pattern made by the microscopic fibers. This makes it one of the best tools you can find to clean your house - it is naturally anti-microbial, thus you don't need any expensive cleaning solutions or chemicals.

Many manufacturers enhance the anti-microbial qualities of the cloth by combining it with anti-microbial agents such as silver or treating it with eco-friendly chemicals.

On the downside, microfiber cloth is still a bit more on the expensive side. While in the long term, using them will invariably save you money on cleaning solutions, their slightly higher upfron costs make them a bit unattractive for the average consumer.

But consider the fact that each cloth can last you several times longer than a regular cleaning cloth. When you factor in this quality, buying microfiber cleaning cloths starts making perfect sense.

Microfiber Cleaning Cloth - Save Your Time, Save Your Sanity With This Amazing 'No Lint Left Behind'"

Do you remember those days when you were a young boy/girl, helping out your dad clean your car on a crisp Sunday morning? Remember how you would hose down the car, lather it up with some old piece of sponge, and wash it while spraying water all over the house (and your dad)?

Unfortunately, your kids (and their kids) might never experience Sunday mornings like that again. Well, because now instead of wasting water and time with a hose and a sponge, you have much better cleaning products.

Such as a microfiber cleaning cloth.

When it comes to cleaning surfaces like cars and boats, or even regular surfaces in the house such as your kitchen counter-top, the coffee table, etc., nothing can beat the efficiency of a microfiber cleaning cloth.

As the name suggests, microfiber cleaning cloths are made up of extremely fine fibers, usually of synthetic fibers like nylon or polyester. Despite weighing as light as feathers, they are very durable and strong and have a tremendous water holding capacity. Not only can they absorb water, they can also hold a lot of oil, which makes them ideal for cleaning around the house.

One of my pet peeves is the lint or dust that conventional cleaning cloths leave behind. Imagine spending hours to clean your car before an evening out, only to find a fine trail of lint on the windshield after you've dressed up and are getting ready to go out. This is the reason why back in my childhood, my father used to make me clean the car windows with a newspaper as it didn't leave any lint behind.

Microfiber cleaning cloth, however, functions the same way: it leaves behind no lint, no dust, or no broken fibers. Once you clean a surface with it, it remains clean.

Of course, not every microfiber cleaning cloth that you see on the market is built the same. The quality and fineness of the fibers that make up the cloth vary a lot. Typically, the finer the fibers, the better the cloth will be at cleaning, and will have a much higher water/oil holding capacity.

Microfiber cleaning cloths can be washed like any other cloth and can last for years. Sure, they might cost a bit more than your regular cleaning cloth, but once you start using one, you'll never touch any other cleaning cloth ever again!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

"How to Clean and Organize Your College Dorm Room"

Away from their parents' supervision, many college students start to neglect their rooms. Those routine cleanings that were once a frequent habit quickly get put on a long to-do list and often are completely forgotten. Soon enough, junk piles up, trash overflows, a film of dust covers everything in the room, and students find themselves living in a pig pen.

If you're a busy college student with plenty else to worry about, you may think you're unaffected by the mess. However, a chaotic room creates chaos in your mind, making it difficult to think clearly and focus on school work.

By cleaning and organizing your room, you can start to clear your mind for effective and efficient study, thereby helping you become more successful at college. The cleaning process not only helps you organize yourself and the work you have to do, it also gives you more energy, allowing you to accomplish your everyday tasks and your long-term goals.

Here are ten easy steps to help you successfully clean your college dorm room:

1. Wash bed sheets in hot water. During sleep, you perspire and shed dead skin cells on your sheets and pillow cases. Dust mites breed easily on your moist bed sheets. To keep these microscopic arachnids at bay, wash your sheets in the hottest water possible every week.

2. Open the windows to ventilate your room. Clean indoor air is vital to good health, but your room's air is probably more polluted than you think. The air you breathe affects your brain function, so the purer your air, the better you will function.

3. Pick up and put away your clothes. When clothes are scattered about your room, your thoughts can become scattered, thus impeding your ability to focus. If your clothes cover your floor, you may be affected emotionally, feeling dragged down and hopeless. Putting your clothes away will lift your spirits.

4. Sweep your floor and/or vacuum your rug. A clean floor will help you feel more motivated to start your assignments. Use a vacuum with a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter that best removes dirt and grime from your carpet.

5. Clean and organize your horizontal surfaces. Symbolically, your desk and bureau tops and your bedside table are landing pads for your ideas. If completely covered with stuff, you have no place for your ideas to surface. Organize your books, magazines, notebooks, cosmetics and personal care items so you have some empty space on your horizontal surfaces. Dust with a microfiber cloth or clean with a plant-based household cleaner. To make your own, dilute vinegar with warm water and apply with a microfiber cloth.

6. Empty garbage can. Overflowing trash can sap your energy. Dorms usually have a place to empty trash on every floor, simplifying the removal of trash from your room.

7. Throw out stale snacks and leftover fast food. Odors from leftovers and stale food distract and annoy anyone within smelling range. Remove these items from your room and throw them in the hall trash bin. To freshen the air, open the window and/or spritz with an air freshener made from essential oils.

8. Clean out your refrigerator. A sticky, gooey refrigerator becomes a breeding ground for germs, leaving the food you still plan to eat vulnerable to contamination. Remove old and outdated food, and clean the inside of the fridge with a microfiber cloth.

9. Organize your back pack. Remove old papers and items, and put in the work and materials you need for the week. You will find what you need easily.

10. Throw out old school papers. Outdated school papers clog up your precious space and your thinking. Throw out or file them for later use, making room for new information and knowledge.

A weekly cleaning will keep your room in good condition and you on the fast track for college success!

"The Microfiber Cloth"

With the advent of micro fiber cloth, people's lives have become a lot easier, especially in regard to cleaning and dusting. This superior material is better able to clean, particularly for spilled or splattered oil. It hasn't been very long since micro fiber was introduced to the market. The price of micro fiber cloths is quite affordable and this especially helps in making the micro fiber cloths a very popular product with homemakers. It is quite impressive to find how this invention has captured the market in a short time.

""Quality"" is the chief reason for micro fiber to become so well liked and it is the ideal substitute to the traditional cotton clothes used in sports apparel, athletic garments etc. Micro fiber is widely used these days because it keeps the clothes dry and don't douse the person wearing micro fiber clothes in sweat. This way, when a sportsperson performs any arduous exercise, he or she feels comfortable in a micro fiber outfit, as the clothes remain dry.Micro fiber cloth is the most effective means for cleaning and dusting. Cloths of this material, attracts the dust preventing the dust particles from floating in the air. The most ideal color of micro fiber cloth to be used for cleaning and dusting is green. The most interesting fact is that, in spite of such superior quality, it is not at all costly. Also, the material is durable and serves the owner better than most of the usual materials available in the market.

Micro fiber cloth is used mostly for household products like tablecloths, TV covers etc. If drinks or food are spilled on micro fiber cloth, there won't be any stains after washing the cloth. The micro fiber cloths are available the automotive centers of any super store and they usually cost around $5-$6.Also, these cloths are available online. Micro fiber cloths also brilliantly polish chrome, fixtures, windows, wood floors, and granite. However, one has to be really careful to maintain the shine. The shine of the cloth gives it a real good look.

Bear in mind that, like any product, you have to take proper care of micro fiber products. Whatever you purchase, whether it is an outfit or simply a micro fiber cloth, follow the instruction when you wash them. If you strictly follow the washing instructions, then without a doubt, you can enjoy using the micro fiber cloth or outfit, for a long time. The use of micro fiber is so prevalent now days that we can't imagine a life without it. Thanks to the advancement in the scientific field that it has come up with such a useful invention. With further progress in this field, we are going have more great micro fiber products available in the near future.